Designed and animated for an upcoming horror film that was loosely inspired by the pandemic, the mass exodus of people around that time, and the local native folklore of Connecticut. Considering these themes and topics, I started designing a few looks. Some versions play off the history of the setting, others were taking a worldbuilding approach as a lead up to the current events of the film.

After a few attempts and not finding our spark, we rolled back to what we originally had in our pitch deck and preproduction material. Where we did have a bank of ideas to play off, albeit they were more eye candy for early inspiration. Nonetheless, that inspired the final version that we see today. With this final version, we stuck with the tone we had early on and expanded on it. Pulling the lessons we learned with our failed designs.

'Drowning in Myth' - Drawing inspiration from the opening shot, the film kicks off with a murder scene by the tranquil shores of Candlewood Lake, setting the stage for a stylistic curtain rise that swiftly immerses the audience in our unique world. Using the shimmering water as a guiding light reveals the narrative's truth and distortions.

Below, you’ll find some of our early explorations and designs.

Candlewood Opener / Credits
Design & Production

Created for an upcoming 2024 Feature HORROR film. 
Directed by Myke Furhman